The Cooperative Difference
Why Become a Member?
Better, Easier, Pharmacy Benefit Plans
Join for clear, honest pharmacy benefits savings with exceptional customer service. Right away, members will recognize the value of our group drug purchasing strength when they join. Because we are a not-for-profit cooperative, National CooperativeRx puts service above profit, resulting in an over 95% membership retention rate.

Our PBM Solutions:
Customer Care
Our members are a priority for us and the cornerstone of our business model. When they ask us to make investments in the things that matter to them, we listen.
Educational Resources
We provide information on the latest trends, best practices, and innovations in the PBM industry using a wide variety of member-accessible tools such as The Script, our biweekly e-newsletter. Sign up today!
Setting the Standard
Membership provides you with our proven approach resulting in best-in-class PBM services.
Improved Proposals
We are currently in our seventh PBM contract. We use our consistent growth to continually improve our pricing, language and services.
Transparent Pricing
An open relationship with our PBM vendor offers clarity in pricing and keeps costs in check while passing 100% of pharmacy benefits savings to our members.
Purchasing Power
The Cooperative strength ensures expert negotiated pricing, strong contract language and excellent service guarantees.
Clinical Consultation
In-house pharmacists help tailor plan designs to fit specific needs for the group and offer recommendations to value-added programs.
Flexible Benefits Plan
With participants in all 50 states, we design plans that fit each groups’ individual requests and requirements.
Independent Auditors
We provide trusted assurance by conducting independent audits on all claims for our members, with all recoveries going to plan sponsors.

Member Groups
How to Join
The Cooperative is open to any US employer plan or coalition that is able to carve out its drug spend. Our membership includes a diverse group of employers, business coalitions and labor organizations. National CooperativeRx members have one thing in common: the desire to control costs and increase value in their pharmacy benefit.
Contact us for a consultation. We’ll lay out a comparison between our offerings and your current plan.
From there, the implementation process is easy. We will work with you and your benefit partners (TPAs, consultants or agents). Then we’ll ensure a smooth and easy transition to better provide pharmacy benefits.